

ضع ٪ الصورة الإيجابيات و ٪ الصورة السلبيات
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2 التعليقات
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My relationship with hookah started from 2000 as a hobby and ended up giving me and continues to give me infinite knowledge of experience and practice on the subject. Of course that hobby has become cult and professionalism. I'm the Qassabah Lounge Cafe Owner. My lounge is the only one in Europe that is Boutique with the biggest collection of brands that are over 30 names.
I've also been voted as a 3rd best Shisha Lounge in Europe by Shishaspots and the best in Balkans.
With all the experience and knowledge I help creating zodiac and hydrex hookah brands with my advices. You had seen them on hookah battle in 2018.
Beside this I also help some brands in a hookah flavores industry. The owner of hookahfina is my very close friend and he decided to start a new project here in Greece with a hookah flavors factory named Vulkana. We cooperate to improve and adapt products to Greek statements and market.
I have very friendly relationship with few companies and brands like Zomo, Japona, hookafina (as I said) and lavoo, etc
I am manager and coordinator in a #Smokin on Facebook and owner of #Xclusive Lounge on Facebook.
I have a very high reputation and prestige in Greece and many fans from many countries especially from Russia.


Qassabah Lounge Cafe

من عند 2013

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