Co je vodní Hookah Hub


Hookah Hub is an international professional collective hookah blog. It is a platform designed to help hookah professionals from all over the world to exchange experiences and news inside a single space.

The service is intended for those people for whom hookah is a profession. Thus, only verified accounts can create new posts, influence the rating of content and users, and write comments.

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There are 2 ways to get this status:

1) Write request for verification from Hookah Battle (takes time)
2) Receive an email invitation from an existing member of the community. In this case, the host-person will be responsible for you by its reputation.

Hookah Hub is a free platform – most of the content generated by third parties. A news feed with posts of all users is located on the central site – if you want to read posts from only 1 author, just go to his profile.

Key service mechanics:

– Golden post: if more than 100 people voted for the post and 95% of the total number of votes is positive, such a post becomes “Golden”, the author of such a post receives: more invites (the ability to invite other users), gifts from sponsors + his post will be distributed in social Hookah Battle networks and tg channels via chat bot.

– Functionality of open translations: any user can translate the original post into another language, the post with the translation will be displayed as a separate post with its own separate rating (but such a post will already have 2 authors: the author of the original and the author of the translation)

– Karma of users and brands: you can visit the pages of brands or users and vote on their karma. Karma indicator affects the strength of the user’s vote (when the user votes for posts)

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