Fuer Investoren
Hookah Battle – is the international company founded by many hookah professionals from a different countries.
At the moment our current shareholders composition is 31 shareholders from 13 countries and most of them are the owners of own hookah business from the different countries (hookah shop / lounge, wholesale / import / distribution / manufacturing)
Our company „HBW Hookah Battle Worldwide“ LTD – based on Cyprus republic.
If you do any kind of business in the hookah industry and wish to support us with finance, you are welcome to contact our CEO – Stanislav Medkov: 061412@gmail.com
There are 2 reasons why you could be interested to become a Hookah Battle shareholder:
1. Our goal is to make the biggest hookah professionals network in the world, and you can be a part of it. We have 12 years history and can bring you many useful business connections worldwide.
2. You can become an exclusive Hookah Battle representative in your country and collect a part of revenue from our services related to your country. You can build your own professional hookah community based on our online concepts and services.
Below you will see a list of current shareholders who have agreed to a public presence: