

Puesto 25 ventajas y 0 menos
1 Publicaciones
3 Comentarios
1 Clasificación



Sobre mi:

Hey Hookah Battle,

I have been reviewing and discussing hookah for the last 20 years. I started in 2011 with the launch of the first ever Kaloud HMD. I took a long break from blogging for many years but found my way back into the community. Since my return I have tried to inform and educate the hookah community through my passion and love of the Hobby.

My main interest in the hookah world is Dark leaf tobacco.



Publicaciones de Usuarios:

After years of waiting Kaloud is releasing a Stainless Steel Kaloud Lotus 1+.  The base plate is stainless steel while the body remains aluminum.  The lid has been updated to allow for more charcoal to fit inside.  It will come in 3 colors, Black, Gold and Silver.